Here’s my current nail care rountine.
Zoya Remove+

I remove my polish with Zoya Remove+ because the glycerin helps prevent the acetone from drying out my nails and the acetone makes removal quicker than non-acetone. I’ve tried other moisturizing removers, but this one is the best. I’d like to try making my own from recipes I have read online, but with limited time, I just go with what’s the most convenient.

Nail brush and whitening toothpaste.

After removing my polish, I wash my hands. I don’t want the acetone to stay on my skin too long. While I’m washing my hands, if I have any staining, I’ll scrub my nails with a nail brush and a little whitening toothpaste. It works really well for the bright and dark colors that stain my nails, cuticles, and skin. It however doesn’t not really get rid of the yellowing that happens to my nails. I figure that’s just the price I pay for painting my nails so often.

Glisten & Glow cuticle balm, Burt’s Bees cuticle cream, Lansinoh pure lanolin, Bliss Kiss cuticle oil stick, Trader Joe’s pure jojoba oil.

After washing my hands, I spend some time moisturizing them. I have a lot of different cuticle oils, balms, and creams. I use different ones for different reasons. Glisten & Glow cuticle balm is my favorite all-purpose cuticle balm. I currently have the Winter Wonderland and Sangria White Peach scents. They smells so great and and the formula is moisturizing without being greasy. Burt’s Bees cuticle cream is a close second, but it leaves more of a greasy residue for me. I use Lansinoh pure lanolin when my cuticle are really dry or when I need to push them back. I will also sometimes rub a q-tip in my cuticle area after letting the lanolin soak in and it works almost as well as cuticle remover. The Bliss Kiss cuticle stick in the picture is what I carry in my purse.. It’s nice and portable and there’s no smell, so I’m never afraid of offending anyone when I use it in public. I bought the Trader Joe’s pure lanolin, to refill the cuticle stick when it runs out.

Queen Helene Cocoa Butter lotion.

I finish up my moisturizing routine with some lotion. I like Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Lotion because it has lanolin in it and it smells delicious, but I will use whatever lotion is available. I like to change up the scents.

Tropical shine pink fine 400/600 grit and blue medium 220/320 grit files, Revlon Crazy Shine buffer, nail scissors.

I never trim my nails. I always file them. I love these washable and disinfectable Tropical Shine files. I don’t use the blue one on my nails anymore. I recently started using it on my toenails. Anything coarser than the pink one causes my nails to peel. I use the Revlon buffer if I need to buff my nails, but I only do that occasionally. If I have any rough bits of skin or hangnails I carefully trim them with nail scissors. I will sometimes use my fine grain file to smooth out those rough bits of skin that sometimes appear at the corners around my nails.

Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator.

Finally, I use this Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator as a base coat. It was working really well for awhile, but recently I’ve noticed my peelies are coming back. So, I’m on the search for something new.

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